How to Find A Balanced School For Your Child?

How do you choose a well-balanced school for your child? Careful planning is important, and we recommend preparing questions to ask and consider when choosing a school for your child. Here are a few steps and criteria we recommend when selecting a balanced school for your child, whether they are attending schools in Pune or elsewhere:

●        Write down five things that are most important to you. We recommend first writing down five school features that are most important to you as you consider the right and most well balanced school for your school.

●        Consider your child and your family. We recommend beginning your search for the right school by considering what you want a school to do for your child. For example, does your child have any special language or educational needs? Does your child need a more or less structured environment? Do they need more challenging work? How do they learn best? Do they prefer to work alone or learn in a group? You should also consider the location of the school. How far are you willing to either have your child bused to school or drive them to school? These are all important questions to ask and criteria to consider when choosing a school for your child.

●        Gather information about schools. If you were considering buying an expensive product for your home, like a refrigerator or a vacuum cleaner, you would probably do some research on the internet and speak to friends and family about your decision. The same goes for considering schools for your child. You should make phone calls, collect some written materials about different schools and look up information online about various schools. In addition to the curriculum and philosophy of the school, it is also crucial to learn about the school’s policies and services, as well as after-school programs, like sports, clubs, tutoring and academic enrichment.

●        Visit and observe schools. We also recommend contacting schools that you are interested in and making an appointment for a visit and school tour. We suggest touring the schools during regular school hours and visiting some classes if possible. In order to get the best sense of how the school runs and operates, do not visit the school during the first or last week of a school year or term. One of the best ways to have your questions answered is scheduling a one on one appointment with the principal of the school. We also recommend attending a parent-teacher meeting, open house or other school event that offers valuable information about the philosophies and attitudes of the school, staff, students and parents. Listen to what the teachers say about the school, because it is super important that the teachers are well prepared, dedicated to their jobs and happy in their work.

●        Apply to the schools you choose. Once you choose the schools that you think are the most well balanced and best for your child, you need to go through the process of applying to schools and enrolling your child in your top choice. We recommend applying to more than one school, just in case your child is not admitted to the first choice school.

Choosing the school where your little one will make friends, have fun, and get an education will require time and effort. Be diligent in your research so that you are able to choose the best school for your child.